Just a girl and her hedgehog taking on the world, one blog entry at a time...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

So, everyone had their "wonderful, sappy, thought-provoking" list of what they were thankful for over Thanksgiving. I did not have one such list. Not because I'm a heartless shell of a woman, more because I was stupid busy trying to finish up Fall quarter.

I'm still not done. More grumbling on that soon...

So instead of whatever I'm thankful for, and believe me, it's a lot, I'm making a list of what I want to find under my tree, next to my Menorah, in my wooden clog, or whatever for Christmas. Here we go!:

1) A divorce. I know how jaded this sounds but seriously, Mike and I are separated, we're not getting back together, the only thing keeping us married is $300 and the state of Washington thinking we need three months to "cool off". I think that was pretty much the problem in the first place. So if any of you have an extra $300 lying around that you just don't want...I could put it to good use.

2) A passing grade on my theory paper. Seriously guys, this is a paper for BRIEF therapy, how much expansion do you want?!?! Ugh, I will be so happy when this thing has released me from it's hellish 12 point Times New Roman font APA format 6th edition grip.


3) A potty trained hedgehog. Ok ok ok, I know I can have this if I just put the effort in, but there is a lot of effort involved, and as I've said before, I'm really lazy. Really. Lazy. Squeak managed to pee all over me causing me to nearly drop him, then pee AND POOP on the loveseat causing me to proclaim loud disappointment in my small helpless hedgehog. It was a little traumatizing.

4) Post-it notes. In all sorts of fun colors. Friends, I have become so Type-A that I recently discovered that I go through about 20 post-it notes in any given week. That's a lot of post-it. I have tried to deny and reverse my growing anal-rententiveness, but it's useless. I've learned to let go and love the post-it.

I suppose I should include a picture or two on here eh?

All Squeak wants for Christmas is to not get eaten...

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