Just a girl and her hedgehog taking on the world, one blog entry at a time...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Yup, it's 2011

It's been a little while, I'm sorry. My internet has been down and I'm a lazy, lazy woman.

But we all knew that. Man there's a lot to talk about; half-marathon training, Big White, my forays into online dating, and - oh yeah - having 5 MONTHS UNTIL I GRADUATE...Holy God...

But those all each deserve their own posts, and I'll get to them eventually, now I want to talk about New Years. Like Thanksgiving and Christmas, I feel pressure to write out resolutions and hopes for the upcoming twelve months when, in reality, I'd be happy to survive. Honestly, all I really want is to enjoy my life while I'm living it.

I've felt caught between an idealized past that I know I'm not going to get back and an uncertain future that both excites and terrifies me. I long to be where I was this time last year; happily married, content in school, looking to start a family. I know this isn't where I'm supposed to be though. On the other hand, I can't help looking to the future. Starting a career? Dating? Sometimes it's just all too overwhelming. 

I initially contemplated all this while running (gasping, panting, sweating, freezing, cursing-under-my-breath) a 5K on New Years Day. At 10AM. In 28 degree weather. Just before plunging into Lake Washington. 

This is what hungover and freezing looks like

Probably not my smartest move, but, and I know how absolutely cheesy this sounds, I really feel like I left all the shit I had to deal with in 2010 in Lake Washington (sorry, fishies). It felt good. It felt cathartic. It felt like 2011 was going to be better than 2010, because it HAS to be. My life was destroyed last year and the only thing that can happen is for me to start rebuilding it. So, that's what I'm doing, and I'm determined to stop and enjoy myself along the way.

Starting with a victory beer!
Notice the blue lips

Anyway, you all may be asking, well that's all well and good for YOU Stephanie, but what about Squeak Scolari? What are his resolutions? 
Well, I'm pretty sure his main motivation in life is to completely mess with me. Just when I think he's all cute and adorable, he pulls a trick when I'm not looking!!


That's right, friends, my hedgehog has learned to climb (Clever girl-er-boy...). This means, much like having a toddler, I must undergo the task of hedgehog-proofing my apartment. I don't think I'm ready for this kind of commitment.

Oh I'm also pretty sure he's going for the world record for most obese hedgehog ever. Seriously, he's a fatty and I'm worried I'm going to have to call the guys over at Guinness soon. I'll post a picture of his grotesqueness soon.

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