Just a girl and her hedgehog taking on the world, one blog entry at a time...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Caution: Hedgehogs Have Quills

Hi, I'm Stephanie.

Welcome to my little slice of the internet, an interslice if you will. Things in my life are a little on the chaotic side right now. If it were a game, it would be Boggle. And I'm not talking about the nice letters all landed and still while the players find words. I'm talking about the loud, rattling, utterly spastic part when the player shakes up the box.

I have referred to myself on more than one occasion as a "hot mess".

I suppose I should give some background information to catch the tens of readers that might stumble across this page. I am in the middle of a divorce. It is probably the cleanest, least emotionally volatile divorce in the history of failed marriages, but it still hurts like hell. I will probably refer to my (soon to be ex) husband as "He Who Shall Not Be Named" but that's a bitch to type, so I'll probably just get lazy and call him Mike. Also due partially to this debilitating laziness, but mostly due to the fact that I love where I live, I am keeping the apartment we rented together.

It's weird being there by myself.

This is where this guy comes in
This is Squeak Scolari (thumbs up for getting the reference). He's my new roommate. So far being alone is kinda scary and lonely so I got a little buddy to help make it less scary and lonely.

Lucky for me, he's terrified of everything. I managed to get a hedgehog with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (300.02, kiddos!). Good on me. I've heard this reaction is temporary so I'm hoping this is more of an Adjustment Disorder with anxiety thing (309.24, kiddos!) and he'll feel more comfortable over the next couple of weeks.

But this is where the weblog comes in. This is my place to write about redefining who I am as a person...while learning to take care of a hedgehog. I'm adjusting, he's adjusting, the tens of you can adjust with us!

Happy reading!

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